One of the many skills that Houngans and Mambos have is the ability
to conduct fast acting and effective magick. Vodouisants make great magicians! houngans and Mambos have a vast
magickal capability which is used to achieve all sorts of ends for a client. Luck, love, money work, health, and revenge
on enemies are just some of the many that a Houngan or Mambo may be commisioned for. Uninitiated Vodouisants do
successful magick too. Houngans and Mambos djakout, medysen fey, bokors, Makaya priests, and kwakwa practicioners are
just some of the uninitiated Vodouisants that have a successful practice.
Wanga are performed by Houngans and Mambos to attain a certain end
or goal for a client. One of the great things about wanga is that it allows people to control their lives. That's
empowering! There are times when people do not take enough action and that leaves them feeling depressed or with a heavier
load of problems. Oftentimes clients ask me if a certain goal is unusual to ask for, here is a list of some common goals
1. Attract a specific man/woman or a lover
2. Seperate two people
3. Money
4. Business success
5. Hex removal
6. General cleansings
7. Gambling luck
8. Protection
9. Revenge on enemies
10. Healthwork
11. Improve dreaming
These are just a few of the many things that are requested. Along
with wanga, clients also may want to pay a debt to a lwa, have a reading, buy a pwen, or have a ceremony for a lwa.
As well as becoming kanzo, Houngans and Mambos study very hard to know
what we know. We are professionals, therefore charge for our services. The better the service, the higher
the Houngan or Mambo will charge. Magick is expected to bring fast physical results.
" . . . by the next day your (Houngan Gate Sa) magick starts working,
and usually by the third day it has unfolded and come to completion"
Q: What is the longest it will usually take a wanga to work?
A: It can start working before it has even been started! But
one should see results within 21-28 days
Q: How much does a wanga cost?
A: This depends on the ability of the Houngan or Mambo
tying the wanga as well as the complexity of the wanga.
Q: Do premade magick sets (do it yourself) and kits work?
A: Most of the time no. This is because everyone's situtation
is individual. So, therefore it is best most of the time to have one's magick tailored to one's self. Oftentimes
one is buying product that has not been prepared magickally at all.
Q:How is it best to start one's magick?
A: It is often best to have the Houngan or Mambo do a divination
so that he/she can get to know the root of your problem as well as the best possible ways to solve it. Sometimes the
solution is easier than one thinks and this allows us to resolve one's problems quicker.
Q: Is it unusual to get revenge on an enemy through wanga?
A: No, this is not at all an unusual request.
Q: What may the Houngan or Mambo need from me in order to do
the wanga for me?
A: If it is to affect a specific person it is often best to have
some objects that belong to that individual.
Q:Am I guaranteed results?
A: No, a Houngan or Mambo is not God. Anyone who guarantees
you results is lying to you.
Q: Are some wangas quicker/stronger?
A: Yes, a faster/stronger wanga of course is more complex.
These are just a few of the many questions.