At the base of every Afro-Carribean tradition
is the propriation of one's ancestors. In Lukumi/Santeria, they are known as eggun. In Espiritismo (Hispanic Spiritism),
they are known as los muertos, and in Haitian Vodou, they are called zansyet yo. Even most Hispanic Catholics that I
know revere their ancestors with a glass of water and a candle. Thus giving their ancestral spirits luz (light: to guide
their way), progresso (progress;advancement), and refresco (refreshment). The ancestors are so fundamental, so basic
to the individual, that one's first service in any of these traditions should be to them. They are essential in your
well-being and development.
One coming into the world is standing on the shoulders of your ancestors.
In other words, it was they who made you,you. One change in the past could have changed your position in the world today,
including your presence in this world at all! Our ancestors help guide us to our respective paths. They take us
where we need to be in life. They love us and oftentimes want to contribute to our well being.
Your ancestors were once living persons. Can you name your ancestors?
How far back? Being such, all of them have their individual and various likes, dislikes, as well as personalities.
Studying your family history is one great way to start serving your ancestors. It will also improve your physical service
as well. Doing that, you will have the further knowledge and understanding of self. Due to the fact that your
ancestors are yours and yours alone, I along with other practitioners will not be able to give you a complete list of offers
to them. There is, however, some basic general ancestor offerings.
But who exactly are your ancestors? Ancestors are those in your family
bloodline. Now, other people from various traditions have their different ideas as to who constitutes as an
ancestor. For some practitioners, only someone who died a "natural" death can be considered an ancestor. I, however,
disagree with this view. Family actually extends quite far also, in my view. First, as I have stated, there are
the ancestors of your biological bloodline. These are your mother, father, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins,
etc. I find it interesting that in some Cambodian form of Buddhism, one's mother and father is considered like his/her
God. My friend explained this to me thus:
"When we (Cambodians) go to Buddha, we do that for protections, for peace for us,
for luck for us, for things like that. But a good person listens to his parents. Your parents created you, God
creates things. So you see how it is? Doing anything to displease your parents, is displeasing to God, and will
bring you bad luck. You see?"
These family members, considered by mostly everyone, frequently constitute as ancestors.
But there are more. Are you adopted? If you are, then you have a second set of parents, siblings, cousins and
family. They are your ancestors too. Do you have a deceased friend, who you considered family in life? He
or she is an ancestor. A deceased spouse is an ancestor. Deceased members of your spiritual family are your ancestors.
(According to your tradition, your initiator should teach you how to approach this.) Have you had an abortion or miscarriage?
Those child spirits can also be considered ancestors and included on your altar. Spiritual guides can also be placed
on your altar and given their special place. This is because the bottom line is: we all have something to
Ancestors are individuals who still have their own personalities. This
should be taken into account. You should not consider that because one died they will suddenly have a reawakening and
become all peace and light. This sometimes does happen though. With some exceptions, most ancestors will react
to situations, problems, and proposals in ways that are in accordance with his or her personality in life. If a person
was lazy in life, one can most likely assume that they are still lazy in death. That you will have to work to get them
motivated. If someone was a workaholic, however, you can expect them to work day and night on your problem until it
is resolved. Your ancestors are all around you. They are with you. Use this to your advantage in everyday
life. When looking for a carpenter, why not ask Uncle Juan, known for his excellency in carpentry. Skills,
attributes, and traits are all transferred with death. If you grandmother, just adored drinking coffee, why not serve
her some on the altar?
In Vodou, when someone dies a number of things are considered to be able to
occur. A person can go straight to God and never heard from again, never disturbed again. One can go "anba dlo"
and later be reclaimed by living family members. A person may also be reborn as a Gede lwa. One can be gathered
up, under specific circumstances in a special way, and thus become a zonbi. We are not speaking of the physical zonbi
in this case. ; ) It is the spiritual component of the individual that is "captured", so to speak, which will later
be put to work.
If your heritage shows that you are German, give your ancestors German foods.
If your family is from Hungary then give them traditional Hungarian foods. There are other things that most ancestors
will gladly accept. For one, whenever working with a spirit, an ancestor, a Lwa, a mo, whatever, one should always have
at least a glass of water and a candle. Ancestor staples include coffee with and without sugar, bread, milk, coconuts,
candy, white rice, chicken and other white foods. When you serve your ancestors remember their foods are served without
salt. Salt has the ability to make the ancestors depart and nullify their powers, in fact it would be better not to
serve them at all then to serve them with salt. After the first service, however, your ancestors should be immune to
salt, and you can offer them foods that contain modest amounts of salt. The lwa Gede, who is an ancestor, has some of
the saltiest foods of all the lwa.
You will need to find a table to set up as your altar. Any type of table
will do. A nightstand will work also, but be sure to keep the altar out of your bedroom if at all possible. This
is because the spirits will often disturb your dreams and/or give your problems in having a partner.
Place a large glass of water in the center of a table. You can decide to use
a white altar cloth. Under this glass of water, you can place a small round hand mirror. The spirits are
known to live on the other side of the mirror. Ancestors are also known to be "anba dlo" (under the water).
Both these things will amplify your ability to contact them. In my family, we use a brandy snifter and a white
men's handkerchief as our altar cloth. The handkerchief usually belongs to a dead male of the family, although
when those are all out, an Espiritista in my family will put a brand new handkerchief under certain
consecration ceremonies. In my family, the rule is one cannot consecrate one's own handkerchief, it must be
done by another member in the family. To this altar, add photos of your ancestors. (DO NOT INCLUDE PHOTOS
WHICH HAVE LIVING PERSONS IN THEM!!!) You can also add jewelry that once belonged to them, trinkets, and other things
that remind you of your ancestors. Let them be your guide. Some people keep dirt from a deceasead family member's
grave on the table, small toys (for spirits of deceased children), crosses, bibles, and flowers. White flowers are appropriate,
as well as the inclusion of a single red rose. Just one though.
When you open the service, recite the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Apostle's
Creed. You can also use prayers from Allen Kardec's book. Remember to have a white candle lit. Name all
your ancestors as far back as you can. You should start with the most recently deceased. Then state "To all those
ancestors who I know and who I don't know" This is a classical way, in Vodou, to cover all your bases. Then present
your offerings to the four directions. Tell your ancestors what you are giving them. Such as "Here is cake for
you to eat, coffee to give you energy, etc." Then tell your ancestors that you love them, you remember them, and you
are serving them. Have a short period of remembrance. Expierence your ancestors to the fullest extent of your
capabilities. Draw from their wisdom. Remember the love they showed you in life. Allow them to bring you
inspirations, give you advice, and speak to you. Some people use maracas, bells, or other noisemakers to attract the
ancestors' attentions. You can do this too, see what works for you. Ask your ancestors for peace, guidance, to
clear your path of obstacles, for blessings. Then leave the room and let them eat.
After at least twenty four hours, you can go back and remove the food offerings and leave
them in the bush or in the cemetary.
If you would like to receive a really clear, strong message from your ancestor in
the form of a dream, you can sleep in front of the altar. Alternately, you can also sleep directly on top of the grave
of a chosen ancestor. Be careful with this, and unless you have a gad or some other form of protection it is not suggessted.
Your ancestors can help you greatly by clearing your path of obstacles.
They will work on your behalf. They will give you insights and blessings. But if you slack in their services,
ignore them, mistreat them, they can also do the exact oppossite. You will find yourself with obstacles springing up
all over. So, take care of them and their table.
You should attend to your altar at the very least once a week. Keep it clean.
Keep the water fresh. Keep the glass washed. The day of the ancestors is Monday, so this is the best day to approach