Many people often ask whether or not dreams mean anything in Vodou
and the answer is yes, yes, yes! Dreams are very important in the Vodou tradition. Healthy dreaming is important
and if one does not dream or dream often there is usually something spiritually unbalanced in the person.
Many times our Lwa or ancestors will send us important messages, guidance and warning
in our dreams. Lwa may also tell you or teach you how to do something. Dreams will sometimes come to reassure
someone that the Lwa will bring results.
Certain things are also considered important or omenous when they show up in dreams.
A Lwa may even tell someone to kanzo during sleep time. People have also been known to receive winning lotto numbers
from the spirits in dreams. I am not saying this happens all the time, however.
Not all dreams are omenous either. Not every dream you may have will be significant
and thus many people may consider having a Houngan or Mambo to consult if the dreams are really important. Not everyone
agrees on what the meaning of everything is either. The context of the situations is also usually taken into consideration.
Then there are times when a dream is all muffled up and incomprehensible. Usually
when you dream with the spirits things are pretty much go in a row. In a normal sequence, but not always. Usually
muffled up dreams are not important.
It is important to start remembering your dreams. Usually this is the real problem
with people and their dreams. They may know they dreamed, but not remember the dream. The best way to get to start
remembering them is by writing them down as soon as you awake. Don't talk to anyone until you are finished writing.
Then put it away until the end of the day and reread. Usually you will have more clarity at this time.
Remember to keep the pad of paper with pens by your bed. If you wake up during
the night and remember dreams, write them down then because you won't remember them in the morning. A glass (yes it
must be glass) of cool water by the head of your bed that has been blessed assists in dreaming. Write down your feelings
at the time if you have any also.